Upper Grades & High School Resources

The following items have been selected for their relevance to the Upper Grades and High School, and are provided at no charge to all of our website users. Clicking on a “read more” (or similar) link below will allow you to view and/or download a pdf copy of the article, or watch the video described. You may need to refresh the web page after downloading.
Mosquito string game, part 1
Mosquito string game, part 2
Magic Carpet
Meeting an Adolescent with the Extra Lesson
AHE Board member Connie Helms describes her Extra Lesson work with an adolescent in detail, noting his slow and steady progress. Connie subsequently offered a Renewal Course on Extra Lesson for Adolescence….Read more.
How Tech Addiction Hijacked Our Brains
Watch this video to hear how the very people who created the tech revolution are beginning to experience regret about how they have changed people’s lives in such an extreme way. The video features a visit to the Steiner School in NYC, and interviews with some students. Watch the video…
Schooling the Imagination
Todd Oppenheimer, writer for Atlantic Monthly, visited several Waldorf schools and offers an extensive review of what he found. He begins by describing his visit to the Thomas E. Mathews Community School for formerly incarcerated students, to show the power of Waldorf education. Read more…
Anke Weihs, co-founder of the Camphill movement, discusses the “third birth” at around the age of 14, when the experiences and reactions of the child become truly his/her own. The article offers a historical perspective on this life stage–characterized by extremes– ranging from Karl König’s “shock and illness of physical maturity, from which one must recover” to Parzival and Wilhelm Meister. Read more…
Tending the Spark: The Middle Schooler
This hour-long talk, given by Betty Staley at the Sanderling Waldorf School, explores every aspect of keeping the modern middle schooler healthy. Watch the talk…
Eurythmy: A Healing Movement Art
Army Schick, Eurythmy teacher at the Sanderling Waldorf School, gives a thorough, grade-by-grade picture of the Eurythmy curriculum, paying particular attention to the developmental healing movement instruction at each level. Read more…
The Adolescent Brain: A Second Window of Opportunity
At the crossroads of experience, environment, and genetics: eight cutting-edge brain researchers offer perspectives on adolescence as a time of great potential for brain development, despite the constraints of modern life…Read more…
Factors Behind the Increase in Learning Challenges
Parents and teachers are finding that outstanding numbers of children and adolescents are facing academic and behavioral challenges. Labels such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Learning Disabled and ADD/ADHD are frequently used, yet underneath these diagnoses lies a more fundamental problem. The root causes of many challenges that lead to these common labels have less to do with learning issues and more to do with … Read more…
A Therapeutic Kindergarten Class
Ann Pratt visited a special therapeutic kindergarten class, and carefully describes a number of very useful remedial/theraputic activities you can use with young children.
read more…
Observations Based on The Lower Senses
At a remedial conference in the summer of 2000, Nettie Fabrie presented the following matrix to help teachers and parents strengthen their understanding of the four lower senses. The senses of Touch, Life, Movement and Balance – what are the qualities of each, how do we strengthen these qualities, what can get in the way, what does a need for development look like?… read more