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How to Stay Healthy: REST
When we get sick, our body sends us signals that it is time to rest. But is rest just doing nothing? Maybe a different and better definition of “rest” is intentionally reducing the amount of information-food-demand-activity we are taking in from the outside, and instead catch up with everything we’ve already taken in. read more And please visit Dr. Blanning's website:
AHE's Online Seminar: A Bridge Over Troubled Waters
During fall 2020 and winter 2021, AHE hosted an online seminar, meeting once a month for 2 hours on Zoom. Another seminar is scheduled to begin this fall. The following article was written by one of the participants. read more
Bringing the Educational Support Work into the Home
A good relationship with parents and families is absolutely necessary in order to be effective teachers... read more
Observations Based on The Lower Senses
At a remedial conference in the summer of 2000, Nettie Fabrie presented the following matrix to help teachers and parents strengthen their understanding of the four lower senses. The senses of Touch, Life, Movement and Balance - what are the qualities of each, how do we strengthen these qualities, what can get in the way, what does a need for development look like?... read more
A Scaffold for Waldorf Teaching
The following is an attempt at an outline of core concepts that every Waldorf teacher might aspire to study and incorporate; at best, it represents a “first page” of topics for study and more
The Nature of Treatment and Trauma
Anthroposophy gives us valuable insights into structuring some of the understanding of traumatic events. Essentially, the four elements that are around us provide a guide to the direction from which the organism can be attacked. Rudolf Steiner connects the soul life... read more
Factors Behind the Increase in Learning Challenges
Parents and teachers are finding that outstanding numbers of children and adolescents are facing academic and behavioral challenges. Labels such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Learning Disabled and ADD/ADHD are frequently used, yet underneath these diagnoses lies a more fundamental problem. The root causes of many challenges that lead to these common labels have less to do with learning issues and more to do with ... fread more
Blanket Wrap -Preparing for Sleep and for Centering/Calming During the Day
This activity is a wonderful way for the parent and child to spend time together. It is especially useful for children who are sensitive to touch or do not have a sense of their boundaries. They are often helped by... read more