President's Letter Winter 2025
Dear Colleagues,
We are excited to share the latest updates, insights, and resources to support our children's growth and development in this newsletter. As partners in education, it's our goal to create a nurturing environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and personally. In this issue, we’ll highlight key events, learning strategies, and helpful tips from colleagues and their programs that will empower teachers and parents to continue working together for the success of every child, including a glimpse of an AHE program across the globe.
We are still accepting applications for the current cycle of the Educational Support training program, which successfully launched in October 2024 at the Waldorf School of Lexington, MA. It is not too late to join this cohort. Our in-person sessions in 2025 are: April 24-27, July 7-18, and October 9-12.
Especially exciting is welcoming back Stephanie Johnson, author of Baby Bare: A Bottom Up Approach to Growing Strong Brains and Bodies. We welcome guests to attend her two day modules with us in our next three sessions, and people enrolled in this cohort experience Stephanie's insightful work and hands on activities as part of the ESP program. Implementing the Baby Bare Approach activities has been a game changer for those of us who work in Early Childhood programs and in whole classes in the lower grades.
You can read more about the program here: ESP Cycle 14
and file an application here: ESP Application form
If you have further questions, send an email to the program director: registrar@healingeducation.org.
Now in our second year of Pop-up Presentations, we have more speakers lined up for this winter and spring. In March, we will hear from AHE graduates who brought Extra Lesson as part of the Emergency Pedagogy teams in Asheville, NC in October following the devastating floods and more recently in Los Angeles as the team visited communities that have endured devastating losses.
So far this year we have had two Pop-ups with Waldorf teacher Julia Pellegrino on establishing solid foundations for Literacy and Math, and we welcomed the return of Dr. Bruno Callegaro who always gifts us with his clear reminders about how to observe children. On February 19th, we welcomed AHE graduate Marjorie Rehbach for an array of helpful activities to enhance focus in the classroom. (Her article on puppetry is in this newsletter). Stay tuned for announcements about the April Pop-up. Registration and payment are easy links to click on - see our home page.
Special articles below:
A tribute to Elizabeth Auer, by Connie Helms
An article on using puppetry (stick puppets) to support children, by Marjorie Rehbach
Extra Lesson in the Philippines, by Ester Samaniego.
A Tribute to Elizabeth Auer
On September 3, 2024, Elizabeth Auer crossed the threshold, just a week after her 74th birthday. Elizabeth was a graduate of AHE’s 4th cycle of our Educational Support Program. Connie Helms offers a moving tribute to Elizabeth's life and work.
Click here to read Connie's tribute: Elizabeth Auer Tribute

The Helping Hands of Puppets in Therapy Sessions
Marjorie Rehbach, AHE Cycle 10 grad with five decades of Waldorf teaching experience, offers a rich glimpse into the therapeutic role of puppets in her work with children.
Click here to read Marjorie's article: Puppetry

Celebrating and Growing: Seven Years of Extra Lesson in the Philippines
Extra Lesson activities in the Philippines, following seven years of initial work, have taken a recent upturn with the hybrid-model Educational Support course offered by AHE.
Click here to read the article: Philippines